Treat Twitter like a Relationship

 In Social Media, Business, Entrepreneurship

With the recent change to your Twitter account, now opening up the ability to tweet 280 characters (up from its original 140 — which I believe is a direct result of Donald Trump’s insatiable appetite for this social media platform), many will be thinking about how to fill up this freedom of space with more interesting content to attract an audience, sell product, or promote services. If you’re unsure about how to effectively use Twitter, it’s important to treat it like a relationship.

Here’s a few suggestions to make the most of your affair with Twitter:


So you just got another Twitter follower. You thank them and maybe compliment their site or service, but then what? Just like in a relationship don’t forget to compliment the other person, no matter how long you’ve been together. Make sure it’s a sincere compliment and don’t overdo it. It can be as simple as telling someone you enjoyed their article or congratulating a company on an anniversary or upcoming event. These may seem like small gestures but it’s amazing how much they get overlooked.

Love the one you’re with

While hoping for more and more followers you might tend to neglect your loyal followers who have been there from the beginning. Make sure and acknowledge how much you appreciate them by staying active and engaged to their content.

We never talk anymore

One way to lose interest in your business is by not responding to even the smallest inquiry. Make sure you are responding to all messages and all mentions. Would you ignore a customer that had a complaint or an issue that came into your store or office? Treat Twitter interactions the same way. Don’t underestimate the power of good customer service.

Make each other laugh

Not every tweet has to be a serious one. Funny tweets or links to funny posts can be a great way to foster your social media presence. Again, this can be overdone relatively quickly and you want to make sure you keep them business appropriate.

You’re not my type at all

In a relationship, you want to find someone that shares your common interests and goals. The same should be applied to social media. People are more willing to share when it’s applicable to them and it pertains to what they are personally interested in.

Don’t let yourself go

Your Twitter page should be an accurate portrayal of your company and its image. Don’t neglect to update graphics, change backgrounds and keep the overall look fresh. Make sure that you create custom background images & avatars, to ensure yours is unique to only you.

Don’t insult the ex

All your tweets should be professional and as positive as possible. Don’t complain about another business or insult any of your competition. It makes you and the company look bad. Plus customers might think twice before doing business with you after they see how you treat other businesses.

Treat Twitter like a Relationship

With the recent change to your Twitter account, now opening up the ability to tweet 280 characters (up from its original 140 — which I believe is a direct result of Donald Trump’s insatiable appetite for this social media platform), many will be thinking about how to fill up this freedom of space with more interesting content to attract an audience, sell product, or promote services. If you’re unsure about how to effectively use Twitter, it’s important to treat it like a relationship.

Here’s a few suggestions to make the most of your affair with Twitter:


So you just got another Twitter follower. You thank them and maybe compliment their site or service, but then what? Just like in a relationship don’t forget to compliment the other person, no matter how long you’ve been together. Make sure it’s a sincere compliment and don’t overdo it. It can be as simple as telling someone you enjoyed their article or congratulating a company on an anniversary or upcoming event. These may seem like small gestures but it’s amazing how much they get overlooked.

Love the one you’re with

While hoping for more and more followers you might tend to neglect your loyal followers who have been there from the beginning. Make sure and acknowledge how much you appreciate them by staying active and engaged to their content.

We never talk anymore

One way to lose interest in your business is by not responding to even the smallest inquiry. Make sure you are responding to all messages and all mentions. Would you ignore a customer that had a complaint or an issue that came into your store or office? Treat Twitter interactions the same way. Don’t underestimate the power of good customer service.

Make each other laugh

Not every tweet has to be a serious one. Funny tweets or links to funny posts can be a great way to foster your social media presence. Again, this can be overdone relatively quickly and you want to make sure you keep them business appropriate.

You’re not my type at all

In a relationship, you want to find someone that shares your common interests and goals. The same should be applied to social media. People are more willing to share when it’s applicable to them and it pertains to what they are personally interested in.

Don’t let yourself go

Your Twitter page should be an accurate portrayal of your company and its image. Don’t neglect to update graphics, change backgrounds and keep the overall look fresh. Make sure that you create custom background images & avatars, to ensure yours is unique to only you.

Don’t insult the ex

All your tweets should be professional and as positive as possible. Don’t complain about another business or insult any of your competition. It makes you and the company look bad. Plus customers might think twice before doing business with you after they see how you treat other businesses.